If you want to lose weight and get fit Imagine Fitness is the place to go. I have been seeing James on and off for about 6 years moving with him from gym to gym. Since July 2015 I have been doing a 3 class a week program which includes two HIIT classes and one boxing class. The classes James takes inspire you to exceed your goals and have fun whilst doing it. In the last year I have lost 10 kilos and have improved my fitness levels way beyond what I though was possible. We have a lot of fun and I would recommend James and Imagine Fitness to anyone wanting to take that step and get fit.


It’s been 3 years since I reluctantly agreed to a trial 30 minute work out with James…unfit and overweight but more importantly so out of condition my body was just tired, sore and stiff. Especially under work stress. It didn’t take long for Jame’s fun and engaging workouts to become something I looked forward to each week. Now I have huge pleasure to report that after these years of working out and boxing with James, and this is all thanks to James, I am the strongest, fittest and healthiest I have probably been since my teenage years when I enjoyed many sports. I am now 55. And a really nice extra is my weight is perfect! Finally I need to say that James is a very caring trainer who always listens and heeds but also will not let you let yourself down, so be prepared to work hard for results. I cannot recommend James Davies highly enough…an excellent PT and an excellent person.


It’s been 3 years since I reluctantly agreed to a trial 30 minute work out with James…unfit and overweight but more importantly so out of condition my body was just tired, sore and stiff. Especially under work stress. It didn’t take long for Jame’s fun and engaging workouts to become something I looked forward to each week. Now I have huge pleasure to report that after these years of working out and boxing with James, and this is all thanks to James, I am the strongest, fittest and healthiest I have probably been since my teenage years when I enjoyed many sports. I am now 55. And a really nice extra is my weight is perfect! Finally I need to say that James is a very caring trainer who always listens and heeds but also will not let you let yourself down, so be prepared to work hard for results. I cannot recommend James Davies highly enough…an excellent PT and an excellent person.


I started training with James after a long period of poor health. Having ended up with an atrocious fitness level I needed someone who could guide me back into a routine and also up my level of fitness. I set us some quite lofty goals to reach and after 3 months of intensive training I am happy I am 80% of the way there. James’ ability to push me through my physical and mental limits is second to none. James’ attitude, professionalism, knowledge and his ability to make every session different has been motivating in itself and I am looking forward to booking my next 3 months with him soon (for some reason I have decided to go it alone for a couple of months).”


I started training with James 7 months ago with a below average fitness level and since starting have progressed to above average with a body fat reduction from 24.6% to 19.8%. In that time James has provided me with valuable guidance to help promote my person goals. He has helped me to establish periodic goals which have been achieved ie 20 press ups, I couldn’t even do one when I started ! James is always consistent, focused and his professionalism is outstanding and he drives me to invest time in my fitness.I couldn’t have achieved what I have without the guidance from James.


I am 51 unfit, high blood pressure, recovering from back surgery, a smoker with stuffed lungs, over weight and no muscle tone. I met James Davies, through a friend, and decided it was time to make a change as my back pain was returning. James took me on knowing I was lazy and was allergic to “E” (exercise), not only was I allergic to it I hated it. That was four months ago. I am now 52, blood pressure under control, heart and lungs much stronger, strong core muscles and no back pain. My weight is on its way done and I have muscle tone. I am still lazy, but no longer allergic to exercise. I love it, with in reason. This is all thanks to James. James devised a program for me. Very personalised to accommodate my previous injury and my attitude towards exercise. We started out slow and somehow it became fun. I looked forward to my sessions with James, and just love those personal bests with the weights, stair climbing, and general exercises. James is dedicated to my continuing interest in building strength. I get encouraging texts from him regularly. It is not that hard. If you are thinking about getting a personal trainer, give James a go. ( Just don’t let him know if you have over eaten or you don’t feel like exercising much as he will work you harder!)


For years I blamed my chronic unfitness on having had three C-sections in three years. My excuse ran a bit thin (unlike myself who neither ran or was thin) when all three children were wearing school uniforms. James was referred to me by a mutual friend and, with a high degree of trepidation, I agreed to see him. When I say I was unfit I’m not exaggerating. I had done no exercise for 7 years and had only a marginal report card before that. Building strength was more important to me than losing weight but I figured a combination of the two would be nice. So we started from scratch. Two things immediately impressed me about James. First was the degree to which he calmly and thoroughly talked to me about goals and challenges and options for addressing both. As I tend to look after my children far more assiduously than I look after myself, I found the lifestyle discussion and plan quite insightful. Second was the humour and personable approach that James brings to entire get-fit process. I live near some steep steps that many personal trainers use and they are often barking at people like a thwarted army major. They make me want to throw rocks at them. James is determined and motivating but all in a very low key and collegial manner. I also like the fact that each session involves something different and a range of activities: boxing; circuits; inside stuff; outside stuff; weights and aerobic activities. There are exercises with equipment and exercises using things found in most houses (steps, tables etc.). I travel a lot for work and James has showed me how to do many things using “just me” that I can use on the road. I never do them but it’s nice to think I could. He also sends reminder e-mails about exercise goals for weekends and holidays. I have greatly enjoyed ignoring these to the letter. I don’t love exercise. In fact I don’t much like it at all. But the fact that I’ve actually showed up for sessions, slowly lost kilos of weight and can now do multiple press-ups cheers me. My strength has increased exponentially and I simply feel better. I am not a self-starter with exercise. I need someone to help me make the effort. So if you want someone to guide you, challenge you, create interesting things to do and keep you engaged, make I would recommend James unequivocally. Even if he cannot count – it was 30 press-ups not 29